Apr 28, 2015

Jean-Pascal van Ypersele: The Activist Who Wants to Run the IPCC

A Belgian activist scientist seeking leadership of the UN climate panel flies to Pakistan – and is fawned over by the media.
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Apr 25, 2015

The Nobel Lie That Just Won't Die

The Guardian newspaper once again falsely tells readers Rajendra Pachauri is a Nobel laureate. For good measure, it publishes a photo of him looking pious – while neglecting to mention the serious sexual offenses for which he is being investigated.

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Apr 23, 2015

Indian Courts to Pachauri: No Travel for You

A man who used to joke that he lived “at 30,000 feet” is well and truly grounded. This week two courts denied the former IPCC chairman permission to leave the country.
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Apr 22, 2015

The United Nations' Fake News Machine

A UN official delivers a speech. An account of that speech is written up to look like a news story. It gets published on a website funded by the UN. Casual readers are unlikely to appreciate that this is 100% spin.
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Apr 20, 2015

Court Rejects Pachauri, Water Summits Still Says He'll Be Keynote Speaker

A lawyer for Rajendra Pachauri says that preventing the former IPCC chairman from delivering a speech at a trade show in Greece next week will damage India’s image and harm Pachauri’s reputation.

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Apr 17, 2015

Do Science Bodies Know Whereof They Speak?

The American Geophysical Union is led by a climate evangelist with zero climate science credentials. When the American Physical Society produced its latest climate statement, it failed to consult members with the most relevant expertise.

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Apr 9, 2015

The Al Gore Alarm-o-rama

Al Gore has been threatening us with environmental apocalypse for more than a quarter-century. Why should we believe him this time?
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Apr 7, 2015

Asking the Wrong Question

The climate scare rests on predictions produced by mathematical modeling. One of the world’s finest scientific minds says prediction isn’t what those models do – and that the climate conversation is ignoring important facts.

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